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GroenLinks - Sag mir wo...
client: GroenLinks, commissioned by Redcell Not Just Film

Art-direction, edit and motion graphics of the campaign movie for GroenLinks - the Dutch Green Party - at times of the European Elections at 2004.

In this three minute movie the world is passing by, guided by Marlene Dietrich's song 'Sag me wo die Blumen sind'. A mixture of movie images shot by myself and footage from several archives.

Contrary to most campaign movies at that time, no 'talking head' just explaining his or her political viewpoints. The movie speaks for itself. Besides that GroenLinks is only mentioned at the end of the movie to give the viewer the oportunity to form an opinion without being prejudiced.

The movie received very positive responses and has been GroenLinks main campaign movie till far after the elections.

'Sag mir wo die Blumen sind'

Terence Teitsma | Independent Visual Communication | Concept | Art Direction | Design | Audiovisual |